Rapel In The News

Company Update : April 2020

Apr 1, 2020 | Press Release | 0 comments

First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself as your Investors’ Relations Manager – especially to those whom we have not met before. I want to thank the GCAL team for extending this opportunity to me to participate in this exciting venture with them.

Our CEO, Mr. Budi S. Prasetyo sent a letter to all shareholders some days ago – and I would like to follow up with a “hello” from my side to you. This is my personal email address, you can reach out to me here at all times: cynthia@gcal.sg

My role here is to help you to stay up to date and informed about GCAL Limited. Our biggest project right now is the RAPEL waste collection app, which we have launched in various cities nearby Yogyakarta (also spelled as ‘Jogjakarta’). We have achieved more than 11,000 users download as of 8th April, with 4,754 new downloads in the last 30 days.

From the Cofounder fund-raising round, we are investing almost 100% of the money to develop our proprietary RAPEL Apps. Here I have attached for you a short video summarizing our RAPEL businessdevelopment plan divided intofour (4) stages.

Our second fund-raising will be starting middle of April 2020. We are getting the Term Sheet ready. We are raising SGD$1.2mil with SGD$10,000 per lot. Our management team has approached some big investors to come on board to support our mission through RAPEL. We are already in discussion to enrol them as our investors. We will keep you updated on our progress.

As the cofounders and investors of this company, we would like to offer you to take up shares in our Angel round, should you want to. Also, moving forward, we will market and promote RAPEL APPS more aggressively with the intention to penetrate into newer cities like Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Salatiga, Magelang and Surakarta. These are all in the pipeline to be Rapelized very soon!

Please watch the video that is in this email for you. This video is prepared to assist us in our Angel round of fund-raising. This video is meant for private viewing only. Thus, we would like to request that you do not post, upload or forward this video profile in social media. We have a version that is for public. We will inform you when the video is up. Then, you will be able to “like” it and share it.

We hope that you can lend us your support to allow us to share this aspiration to green the world with more angels in your circle. We will be the most integrated waste management company in Indonesia and we need as much support from all our founders, cofounders and investors.

Also, I have a pitch deck attached in this email. You may refer to this should you want to know more about our expansion plans. If it is too long and inconvenient for you to read, I will personally speak to you to walk you through the slides and answer your questions.

Because Covid-19 has definitely interfered or changed the way we look at business and investment, there is no better time to aggressively launch a waste management initiative than now! Waste management is not a good-to-have but a must-have. A country cannot progress well when it cannot solve its waste issues. An economy cannot hope to grow exponentially if the natural resources are getting scarce (i.e. land for landfills) and pollution is on the rise. We cannot dream to do bigger things in life if our people is getting sick from toxic and poison.

I thank all of you for believing in our aspiration to tackle wastes problems at its core – that means, to reach out to households to practice the RAPEL-habit of recycling. We would like to invite you, our investors to share with your friends, family or business contacts who are in Jogja-area about “RAPEL APP”. Please encourage them to download the app to use it. The more we can reach out to use the app, the lesser waste goes into the landfill.

We appreciate every single effort you put to green the world with us. Let’s catch up soon?