Rapel In The News

Company Update : December 2020

Feb 25, 2021 | Press Release | 0 comments

Hello, Investors!

It’s an honour to be with you until end of the year! Year 2020 is definitely memorable in many good ways. 

We are happy to share with you that we are fully in operations in Kota Semarang (the capital city of Central Java). Rapel’s presence in this city has caught the attention of the City’s Mayor to partner with us as an Official Partner for wastes recycling activities. 

More updates for the investors relating to the above MOU in the next round of Investors updates.


We are playing a critical role in protecting the environment and we aim to create a positive environmental impact for our beloved country, Indonesia. We hope to be able to influence more households and corporations to reduce its environmental footprints by encouraging lesser wastes being sent to landfills.

Collaboration with Tetra Pak to Grace the Opening of its Education Booth in Taman Pintar (‘Smart Park’) in Jogjakarta

CLICK on the Picture to View the Video

Roadshow with Taiwan Multi Business Club (TMBC)

We are honoured to be invited by TMBC to present our business plan to their fellow club members on 17th November and 10th December 2020.

Roadshow Zoom session with TMBC Members

On behalf of the Rapel team, we thank you for being with us throughout this journey. 

To all our investors, friends and family members, business partners and those whom we have knocked on doors to pitch to, we look forward to meet with you again when opportunities permit. 

May our front-liners be safe and strong as they worked without rest to ensure the business continues to grow. 

Wishing all of you Happy New Year 2021 and may the New Year bless you with lots of opportunities for growth.