Rapel In The News

Company Update : September 2020

Sep 1, 2020 | Press Release | 0 comments

Hello, Investors!

As we journeyed through Q3 last month, the RAPEL team had been preparing for bigger challenges to expand. These are the heroes behind the scenes, staying up past their office hours and showing up on weekends to go through an intensive brainstorming work for process mapping.

Subsequently, we gained clarity over what our processes actually look like. Thus, making the operational process more visible across the business. It has also helped us to identify areas where processes are duplicated, overlapped or redundant. This has helped us to improve communication between departments and it creates consistency over the way we do things.

As some of you would have already read about our growth earlier, our RAPEL mobile app was trending on Top 5 in Google Playstore (Indonesia) earlier this year after we have launched our digital marketing campaigns. As a result, our number of downloaders have grown to more than 6x, we have more active users on our mobile app as compared to Q1 of this year, and most importantly, we have started to make money from our wastes retail trading.

As the business grows and number of transactions start to rise, the business needed a system to organise unstructured data into useful information where we can study a pattern or trend to make strategic decisions. While serving his quarantine-days in a beautiful 5-star hotel in Singapore, our CTO, Darmadi Gunawan (more affectionately known as ‘Didi’) has designed a RAPEL Dashboard that serves as a backend real-time data that displays easy-to-read information for the business.

With this dashboard, we are able to identify cities where users are more receptive to our business model.
(This is a screenshot taken from our dashboard, see image below.)

With RAPEL Dashboard, we are able to identify the number of ready-users in cities where our business is yet to be launched. We are able to change our business strategy to fit a ready market, thus reducing unnecessary setup cost; reducing time to make decisions; and we can immediately tap into a pool of ready-users.

We stay true to our vision to create sustainable societies by actively participating in environmental care in order to improve our quality of life. We would like to speak with partners who believe in our vision and you can introduce them to us by contacting me, Cynthia, the Investors Relations at cynthia@gcal.sg or our CFO, Rika at rika@gcal.sg (+62.812.9165.753).

Look forward to meet or connect again when opportunities arise.

Stay safe, stay amazing!